I think we can all agree that we have a professional liar running America.
It was rather obvious that in order to get people to believe the hype of ObamaCare, the White House would begin the lies. And they did. So, ObamaCare supposedly brought on 4 million new Medicare signees, when the REAL number is less than 400 thousand.

According to RealClearPolitics, the White House has propagated numbers about sign-ups for the Affordable Care Act, claiming that the program is responsible for 4 million people gaining coverage through Medicaid expansion; 3 million enrollees in their early 20s who remain on their parents’ policies; as well as 2 million who have purchased insurance through the exchanges.
The first claim is an obvious lie, as pointed out in the above.
Concerning the 3 million “early 20s” enrollees who remain on their parents’ plan, they are in fact paying for their healthcare, so how can they possibly count? Their parents might be paying somewhat higher premiums, however in most cases husband/wife plans are about the same as “family plans,” given teenage children are cheap, medically speaking.
Also, the 2 million thrill-seekers who have purchased ObamaCare through the exchanges are the worst people to have on ObamaCare from a fiscal point of view. By now Americans know that ObamaCare is the “last chance destination.”
Considering Obama’s comments about the number of people with pre-existing conditions, you’d think that ObamaCare would have about 50 million enrollees.
It’s like saying that all these Americans with pre-existing conditions are willing to roll the dice with their junk plans...
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