Obamacare - The Biggest Insurance Scam in History

Obamacare - The Biggest Insurance Scam in History

The Affordable Care Act - "Obamacare" - may be the biggest insurance scam in history. The industries that profit from the current health care system wrote the legislation, heavily influenced the regulations and have received waivers exempting them from provisions in the law – and all this just to protect and enhance their profits.

Meanwhile, the health care crisis continues – fewer and fewer people, even those with health insurance, can afford the health care they need because of out-of-pocket costs. The ACA however continues that trend by pushing skimpy health plans with low coverage and restricted networks.

This is what happens in a market-based system of health care. People get only the amount of health care they can afford, instead of what they actually need. Obamacare takes our failed market-based system to a whole new level by forcing the uninsured to purchase private health plans and using the government to sell and subsidize them.

Unfortunately, most Americans are being manipulated into supporting the ACA and aren’t even aware that they are being scammed. That is how scams work though. Even after the con is completed, victims do not even realize they have been manipulated and ripped off.

If all US residents were in one plan, Medicare for all, rather than Obamacare's tiered system that institutionalizes the class divides in the United States, not only would the health system be fairer and improve health outcomes, but it would be less bureaucratic, less costly and easier to implement. The Medicare-for-all approach considers health care to be a public good, something that all people need, like schools, roads and fire departments.

Rather than being distracted by the problems of the exchanges, the more pressing issue is whether we want to continue using a market-based approach to health care or whether we want to join the other industrialized nations in treating health care as a public good.

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