At this point it is more than clear that Obamacare has changed America.

Americans were definitely deceived about why it was "necessary" to dismantle America's healthcare system, when all that it really needed was minor tweaking.
The thing is no one really knows how many Americans actually have coverage through Obamacare. Maybe 6 million -or maybe not; regardless the case, it's probably not enough to prevent costs from increasing as early as next year. Also, there's no telling how many of those were previously uninsured.
However, lots of people are uninsured and many of the insured have discovered it's almost impossible to get policies that don't restrict the latest medications or availability to top-notch hospitals. It appears, millions of low income Americans once covered by states through Medicaid are now uninsured. Millions of policies people liked were cancelled and replaced with plans they didn't want and many cannot even afford. Far too many people found themselves in the situation where work hours were cut back or lost their jobs altogether.
Of course Liberals blame the Medicaid problem on states, policy cancellations on the insurance companies, and lost jobs and shortened hours on employers. Democrats systematically crushed America's healthcare system with a steamroller and now blame everyone except Flat Stanley and themselves for not fixing it fast enough.
People miss their freedom the most – sadly, gone are the days when people were trusted to make their own choices about health care.
And, dare to disobey Obamacare regulations and the IRS will come collecting.
The 381,517 word bill Obama signed bears little resemblance to the 11 million word Frankenbill unelected Obama officials have created. Let's put things into perspective, shall we?! At 4,400 words, the U.S. Constitution is the shortest, oldest constitution of any major government in the world. It has withstood civil war, legal challenges, and, the Obama administration. So far it still stands immovable, thanks to God's grace and a few good men who warned us about what happens when the government gets too big - as big as it is now.
It’s time to elect people who agree with the founders about the government's size and put this toxic piece of legislation to rest.
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