President Obama has broken so many laws and has twisted so many of our Constitutional liberties to his advantage and no one yet has stopped him. This man appears to be a traitor to America!

Everything he has done has been a calculated move to ruin our country, our Constitution and our way of life. He is now using the most horrendously unpopular and destructive piece of legislation ever passed thru our legislature to manipulate our laws in his drive to destroy the United States. People should take note and continue to fight against this.
Insurance companies in the wake of Obamacare have increased their prices! Actually many have stopped selling their insurance in some states with liberal governments (like California) and/or stopped selling insurance to certain groups of people due to Obamacare mandates and rulings.
As it turns out not only has Obama manipulated the law but he has also manipulated Google Searches in order to promote ObamaCare.
Obama’s presidential campaign understood the great value of an aggressive internet presence, and the Regime’s web exploitation approach have not changed since the election.
According to an Ogilvy budget summary, the Obama administration has paid Google and Yahoo $300,000 a month for advertising campaigns designed to redirect those entering keywords such as “affordable health care,” “health care reform,” “government health insurance,” and other similar terms to an administration-approved ObamaCare website.
The White House itself was knee-deep in the “propaganda campaign.” In an e-mail to HHS Principal Deputy for Strategy and Planning Jenny Backus, Ogilvy’s Senior Public Relations VP Margo Gillman writes, “you mentioned on our last call that you were planning to discuss [our radio and TV concepts] with the White House…We would appreciate any guidance that you can provide, so we can determine immediate next steps and a production schedule.”
Another document received by Judicial Watch disclosed that the campaign to sell ObamaCare was primarily directed at blacks, Hispanics, and women.
It’s a known fact that politicians have worked towards manipulating public opinion for millennia. However the use of the public’s own money to advance an unpopular assault on our freedom is at best lamentable and quite possibly even illegal.
The abuses of the Obama Regime must end!
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